The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT) is a charity dedicated to conserving, protecting, and restoring wildlife and wild places in Yorkshire. Their vision is for a Yorkshire that is abundant in wildlife, with more people having a genuine and meaningful connection with nature. As we’re Gold Members of YWT, we support them both financially, and by getting our hands dirty and completing practical projects within our local community.

On Thursday 11th July, we took part in a Wild Work Day with YWT and sent a team of volunteers to Stocksmoor Common nature reserve in Wakefield. The Trust manages the site through a programme of grazing to keep down the coarse vegetation and invading scrub.

Our staff were helping the Trust remove bracken allowing other plant life to compete and grow. The reserve is very popular with the local people and their pets. There are numerous public footpaths that are overgrown with such as hogweed and nettles. We assisted YWT with removing these invasive plants and freed up the footpaths for use again.

We’d like to say thank you to Conner from YWT his help and guidance on the day, and a big thanks to the team of volunteers from Symphony!

We’re looking forward to supporting our local wildlife & wild places again at our next YWT workday.

To follow our progress with YWT, visit our website and social media pages.